A single-vehicle collision occurred today at approximately 6:38 PM on State Route 116 near Redwood Drive in Monte Rio, CA. The incident involved a white Ford Fiesta that struck a telephone pole after the driver fell asleep at the wheel. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
Emergency services responded promptly to the scene, where they found that the vehicle had sustained cosmetic damage. The telephone pole remained intact, and there were no downed power lines or other hazards reported. The driver was unharmed, and the situation was managed without complications.
A tow truck was called to remove the vehicle from the roadway, allowing traffic to resume as quickly as possible. The California Highway Patrol noted that the pole involved in the incident had cosmetic damage and that Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) would address the situation at their convenience.
Motorists traveling on State Route 116 are reminded to stay alert, especially during evening hours when fatigue can be a factor. This incident highlights the importance of being attentive while driving.
Traffic has since returned to normal, and there are no ongoing lane closures related to this incident.