A hit-and-run incident occurred on January 14, 2025, in Altadena, CA, involving a parked 2003 Jaguar. The vehicle was damaged by an unknown vehicle while parked on Ganesha Avenue. The vehicle owner reported the incident on January 17, 2025, as they were unable to access their vehicle due to a house fire that restricted access to the area, which was closed to all but law enforcement and fire personnel.
Upon observing skid marks at the scene, the vehicle owner noted that the occupants of the unknown vehicle may have sustained injuries, although specific details about any injuries remain unclear. The vehicle owner is available by phone to provide additional information but prefers to file a report in person at a California Highway Patrol office due to the offices being closed for the weekend.
Authorities are urging anyone with information about this hit-and-run to come forward. This incident highlights the importance of accountability while driving and the potential consequences of reckless behavior on the road. The California Highway Patrol encourages all drivers to remain cautious and responsible to ensure the safety of all road users.
As investigations continue, residents are reminded to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity in their neighborhoods.