A traffic incident occurred today at the intersection of East Cliff Drive and 26th Avenue in Santa Cruz, CA, involving a single vehicle. A white Lexus 350 was struck by a wave and a rock, causing it to become partially submerged in water. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
The incident began around 1:06 PM when approximately one foot of water started flowing over the roadway, creating hazardous conditions for drivers. Shortly after, at 1:13 PM, the Lexus was impacted by the wave and debris, rendering it undriveable. A tow truck was called to the scene to assist with the vehicle's removal.
By 1:47 PM, authorities implemented a hard closure on East Cliff Drive from 26th Avenue to 36th Avenue to ensure the safety of motorists. This closure was necessary due to the dangerous conditions caused by waves and rocks on the roadway.
The vehicle was successfully towed from the area by 2:09 PM, allowing for the eventual reopening of the roadway. Motorists are advised to exercise caution in the area as conditions may still be unstable. This incident highlights the potential dangers posed by severe weather and coastal conditions.