Driver Found Unconscious in Santa Barbara Incident

Driver Found Unconscious in Vehicle on State Route 154 in Santa Barbara, No Injuries Reported

📍 Santa Barbara, CA

📅 Published: December 14, 2024 at 03:07 AM

🔄 Updated: December 14, 2024 at 05:01 AM

Map showing the location of the accident in Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Barbara, December 14, 2024 -

A single-vehicle incident occurred early today on State Route 154 in Santa Barbara, California, when a driver was found unconscious inside their vehicle. Emergency services responded promptly after the incident was reported at approximately 2:11 AM. A passerby had stopped to check on the vehicle, which showed signs of damage and the driver having vomited.

Upon waking, the driver regained consciousness and managed to move the vehicle, which subsequently hit an embankment on the opposite side of the road. Fortunately, there were no injuries reported, and the situation was resolved without further complications. The California Highway Patrol and local authorities ensured the safety of the area.

Due to the incident, partial lane closures were in effect on the eastbound lanes of State Route 154, but these were cleared shortly after the vehicle was assessed. By around 3:43 AM, the vehicle was released to the owner at the scene, allowing traffic to resume normal flow.

The quick actions of emergency services helped to manage the situation effectively, preventing any additional hazards on the roadway. Drivers in the area were advised to remain cautious as the situation unfolded, but traffic impacts were minimal and resolved quickly.

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